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Garden Soil

Frequently Asked Questions


What does "Local + Local + Local = Global" mean?

  1. The scale of societal and infrastructure transformation that we must undertake to survive or even thrive in climate change equitably is far too big for any nation, corporation, or magical inventor to undertake. It’s going to take a worldwide movement of those who understand the dangers of climate change and the steps we need to take to safeguard our world. A global coalition of diverse organizations and individuals, all addressing climate resiliency strategies and peacebuilding on a local level is how we create a global movement of sustainable peace.

  2. In the local + local + local = global ecosystem, BioEarth wants to be the “plus” sign. We are in step one of gaining signatories, but we also want to create a space for signatories to connect with one another and see one another’s projects, and that’s coming.

Flock of Birds

Is BioEarth affiliated with any particular political party?

No! That’s the whole point. In so many countries today, including the US, where we are registered, societies are torn apart by political partisanship. We are literally living at the hingepoint of history. The next six years will determine whether we can cut greenhouse gasses by 50%, or else we face more frequent and severe storms, less food, and 1 billion to 1.2 billion climate migrants. No society will be untouched by this, so it should not be a national or a partisan issue. Our international leadership team and local partners represent all parts of the political spectrum. However, we speak up in favor of climate action and in favor of peacebuilding, no matter which party it impacts. Climate change knows no borders and no parties.

Flock of Birds
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Is BioEarth a religious organization?

No! Our global peace movement includes signatories from many religions of the world. Our interfaith leadership team represents a broad array of the religions of the world as well as those with no religious affiliation. However, with our roots in environmental care education and responsibility, we have been struck by how often religion is left out of the conversation when it comes to climate change. The One Billion for Peace Pledge acknowledges that religion/spirituality is an essential dimension of community well-being necessary for sustainable peace. Moreover, one of our founders, Dr. Frances Flannery, is a religion scholar, so we think a lot about the role that religion can play in addressing climate change, both negative and positive. We are convinced that most religions of the world, if not all of them, contain a deep well of resources for ecotheology that highlight human responsibility for the environment. The Yale Forum for Religion and Ecology is one of our favorite resources if you are interested in learning more about the connections between the climate crisis and religion/spirituality.


Why does the fourth item in the One Billion for Peace Pledge say "cultural/religious"?

Religion and culture are deeply intertwined. We say “religion/culture” to capture the broad spectrum of societies and groups we invite into our 1 Billion for Peace Pledge whether they are primarily secular or religious. In addition, the word “religion” is not used by all societies. A lot of people hear the word “religion” and think about what you’re doing (ritual) or what you believe (doctrine). But many societies, such as indigenous/native/first nations/aboriginal (we use these varied labels because different communities have different language for what they want to be called) don’t have a separate category that is called “religion.” The sacred permeates many parts of their lifeways including etiquette, foodstuffs, and identity, which are not things some people think of when they hear the word “religion.” There are 5,000 different communities lumped under the umbrella of “indigenous religions,” and their insights into the environment are critical for human survival. Currently, the 5% of the world’s population in this category manage 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity, but calling their rich culture “religion” imposes an outsider category, so we say “religion/culture” in our 1 Billion for Peace Pledge instead.

Ind vs Org Peace Pledge
Earth on Fire
Planet Made of Plastic

What is the difference between the individual and the organizational Peace Pledge?

The only difference is whether the leadership of an organization is signing and counting its members as signatories or an individual is signing. Anyone can sign. If you support the goal of sustainable peace, please circulate this to any other individuals or groups that you think align with this intention. This is how we build a global movement.


I just signed the organizational One Billion for Peace Pledge.
What can I do next?

  1. We are so glad your organization has signed. It is not only an intention setting tool. Diverse organizations working together as a united sustainable peace movement changes the projects, assessments, and standards that constitute success. Just setting this intention is huge. We want to be a vehicle for education, strategies for peacebuilding and climate action, and connection.

  2. Building a global coalition and getting to a threshold at which we can exert influence for meaningful climate action and equity has been step one. The One Billion for Peace Pledge was just introduced internationally in Summer 2022 in Dublin Ireland at the Irish School of Ecumenics.

  3. We know that different localities have different impacts on climate change and different strategies to deal with these. Our goal for building the global coalition is at least threefold:

    1. To have a network for disseminating public climate change information.

    2. To create a network in which signatories can learn from one another and amplify the efforts of the organizations they most align with.

    3. To influence decision-makers impacting climate action at the top of society and bring them together with those holding the least power in societies, a middle-out approach studied by John Paul Lederach and Dong Jim Kim, which can be an effective lever in peacebuilding for zones affected by conflict.

  4. We have already started to share Climate Action and Sustainable Peace education through Root.ED, and we want to create a mechanism for organizations to share ideas and resources. Furthermore, we want to speak as a diverse but united voice on issues such as effective climate action at the COP30 meeting.

Liquid Drop
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I just signed the individual One Billion for Peace Pledge.What should I do next?

We encourage individual signees to explore local efforts in their communities focused on sustainability, climate action, and peacebuilding. Share the One Billion for Peace Pledge with others in your networks and start building a local or regional coalition to support shared efforts. Continuing to learn more about the climate crisis and steps we can take to mitigate its impacts is also key. Feel free to check out our Root.ED Conversations on YouTube, our blog, and our growing reading list and collection of resources.

What is Root.ED? Is it a part of BioEarth or a separate entity?

Root.ED, aka Root Education, is the name of BioEarth's climate action and sustainable peace curriculum and theory of change. You will see this name referenced in our Root.ED Conversations (YouTube video series), our conceptual framework for a Root.ED Center and ongoing Root.ED Workshops. 


You will also see Root.ED Nature School referenced on our website and in our materials. Root.ED Nature School is a BioEarth pilot program based in north central Washington State that focuses on implementing the Root.ED curriculum in a rural community at the front lines of climate crisis. For more on Root.ED Nature School follow the story on Instagram:  

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