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Eco-justice and Peace on the Island of Ireland and Beyond 50th Jubilee Celebration Webinar

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

2 June 2022—Dublin, Ireland. Trinity College, Irish School of Ecumenics

“Eco-justice and Peace on the Island of Ireland and Beyond” 50th Jubilee Celebration Webinar

The One Billion for Peace Pledge was introduced to an international audience as part of the Jubilee Celebration of the Irish School of Ecumenics at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. In the webinar: “Eco-justice and Peace on the Island of Ireland and Beyond,” I presented alongside esteemed practitioners, farmer-activists, and scholars.

Months later, I still find myself going back to this discussion for inspiration. You can find

this webinar here: <>. This was one of the most inspiring discussions about climate justice that I’ve ever been a part of. It was one of the turning points for me as a Co-Leader of BioEarth, because the interweaving of the folks actually practicing sustainability on farms in Ireland and Northern Ireland, with the beautiful eco-theology of Dr. Jake Erickson and the insights of Zand Craig, so obviously skilled in designing multi-stakeholder strategic responses to climate crisis, firmly impressed on me a vision of the broad swath of organizations that could come together in the One Billion for Peace Pledge. I started to really understand not only that Local+Local+Local=Global, but that each of those local efforts could be very, very different from one another and still bring us closer to crafting the resilient, equitable world that is the vision of the peace pledge.

(Pictured top row, left to right: Karen Jeffares (Síolta Chroí), Zand Craig (Sophoi), Matt Williams (Jubilee Farm), and bottom row: Jacob Erickson (Trinity College Dublin) and Host Gillian Kingston, Irish School of Ecumenics Trust Steering Committee and Vice President, World Methodist Council).

Find this webinar along with other stimulating webinars on peace may also be found at the website for the Irish School of Ecumenics here: <>.

In Peace,

Frances Flannery, Ph.D.

Co-Founder of BioEarth

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